1. Security Officer
2. Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
3. Procurement & Contracts Officer
4. Grants Officer
5. Forestry Expert (PNG Forest Authority)
Place: Port Moresby, with occasional visits to project sites in PNG
Duration: One year and can be renewed annually for up to four years
based on performance.
Application Deadline: 2 December 2024 (17:00 Papua New Guinea Time)
Expertise France, an entity of the French Development Agency(Agence
Française de Développement, AFD) Group, is the French government’s
international technical cooperation agency. Its role is to design and
manage donor-funded international cooperation projects in fields such
as governance, security, health, education, and the environment. The
European Union (EU) and the French Governmentconstitute Expertise
France’s main donors.
The Project: The EU-FCCB Programme for Papua New Guinea
The European Union has awarded Expertise France the implementation of the National Component of its “Forestry, Climate Change and Biodiversity” (EU-FCCB) Nexus Support Programme for Papua New Guinea (PNG). With approved funding of 54.7 million euros, it is one of the EU’s most ambitious forest-related programs anywhere in the world.
The EU-FCCB’s general objective (GO) is “to support a development model that reconciles forestry, climate change and biodiversity with sustainable, inclusive and gender-responsive green growth and jobs at national and pilot subnational/community levels.” Its three specific objectives (SOs) are:- SO1: Effective implementation of evidence-based FCCB policies, governance, and institutional frameworks.
- SO2: Improved FCCB awareness, knowledge, capacities, and mobilization.
- SO3: Increased inclusive and gender-responsive green growth.
This Programme consists of several components, including “support
at the national/institutional level with spill-over effects at the local/
community-level” (33.5 million euros)– which is implemented by
Expertise France. This project will entail support for a few PNG-based
public sector institutions operating in the FCCB intervention area, support
for PNG-based research, education, and awareness institutions, as well
as support for PNG-based communities engaged in conservation and
environmental protection.
This project has just completed its inception phase (July2023to February
2024) and is in the process of starting the implementation of activities.
In particular, the project will involve a significant number of grants to be
awarded for research & evaluation projects, conservation and sustainable
livelihoods projects, and projects around green business development
and value chains.
The EU-FCCB Programme is committed to promoting gender equality
and women’s rights in all aspects of its work. The program has been
classified as Level 1 (Significant) according to the OECD-DAC gender
equality policy marker.
For more information on the EU-FCCB Programme, please visit: