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Job Seeker Resources

Save your Resume in your Desktop documents

You have a job and do not wish to apply today – Great!
Keeping a record of your newly acquired skills & feathers on your cap is worth recording for effective reasons.

  • Tracks your success while documenting it and you feel awesome 

  • A handy document whilst you update your profile on online media.

  • Encompasses your updated new skills and projects. 

  • A support ready to apply when required urgently 

  • Listed achievements come handy when talking, often people find it hard to 
advertise themselves. 

  • In this competitive era updating CV can often lead to quick & sound decisions 
to obtain new talents and flairs to add to your Resume.
  • Quick access to opportunities, the moment you decide to give it to a
Recruitment Agency to keep you posted with the best jobs in town. Log on to www.pngjobseek.com and register for jobs- for more information keep
following us on Facebook at pngjobseek